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to send under the yoke

  • 1 send under the yoke

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > send under the yoke



    English-Latin dictionary > SEND UNDER THE YOKE

  • 3 yoke

    [jəuk] 1. noun
    1) (a wooden frame placed over the necks of oxen to hold them together when they are pulling a cart etc.) jarem
    2) (a frame placed across a person's shoulders, for carrying buckets etc.) jarem
    3) (something that weighs people down, or prevents them being free: the yoke of slavery.) jarem
    4) (the part of a garment that fits over the shoulders and round the neck: a black dress with a white yoke.) ovratnik
    2. verb
    (to join with a yoke: He yoked the oxen to the plough.) vpreči v jarem
    * * *
    I [jóuk]
    jarem; volovska vprega; archaic jutro (zemlje); figuratively hlapčevstvo, sužnost, podvrženost; obveznost
    yoke of oxen — jarem volov, par volov
    to bring under the yoke, to submit to a yoke — podjarmiti, zasužnjiti
    to endure the yoke — prenašati, nositi jarem
    to pass under the yoke history iti, skloniti se pod jarmom (o premagancu)
    II [jóuk]
    transitive verb
    vpreči (žival) v jarem, natakniti (živali) jarem; podjarmiti; figuratively spariti, povezati, združiti (to, with z, s)
    yoked in marriage — poročèn; intransitive verb biti združen, sparjen; biti oženjen ( with z); skupaj, skupno delati
    to yoke one's mind to s.th.beliti si glavo s čim

    English-Slovenian dictionary > yoke

  • 4 yoke

    1. n
    1) ярмо; хомут; нашийник
    2) перен. ярмо, неволя, кормига, іго; рабство
    3) іст. дерев'яна колода (на шиї злочинця)
    4) жарт. узи, союз
    5) пара запряжених волів
    6) коромисло
    7) кокетка (на сукні)
    8) невеликий маєток
    9) тех. скоба, бугель, обойма
    10) поперечка; траверса
    11) ав. штурвальна колонка
    2. v
    1) запрягати (в ярмо)
    2) перен. з'єднувати, сполучати
    3) підходити один одному
    4) пригнічувати, поневолювати; тримати в неволі (в ярмі)
    * * *
    I n
    1) ярмо; хомут; ошийник; sing іго, ярмо; icт. дерев'яна колодка ( на шиї злочинця); узи, союз
    2) (pl бeз змiн.) пара запряжених волів; парна упряжка; кокетка ( на сукні)
    4) icт. іго (арка з трьох списів, під якою римляни проводили переможених ворогів) ( символ) рабства, поневолення
    5) icт. заорювання (міра землі, 50-60 акрів)
    6) тex. скоба, бугель, хомут, обойма; сережка, затиск; хобот ( верстату); поперечина; траверса
    7) cл. ярмо
    8) aв. штурвал, ручка управління
    9) мop. поперечний румпель
    10) елк. відхиляюча система ( magnetic yoke); colonial yoke колоніальне іго, ярмо колоніалізму

    to cast /to shake, to throw/off the yoke — скинути іго /ярмо

    to send under the yoke — провести під ярмом, принизити ворога; розбити вщент

    to pass /to come/ under the yoke — пройти під ярмом; здатися на милість переможця/ визнати свою поразку

    II v
    1) упрягати в ярмо, запрягати; примушувати працювати, приборкувати
    2) сполучати, поєднувати, з'єднувати; з'єднуватися
    3) підходити/ відповідати одне одному

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > yoke

  • 5 yoke

    1. [jəʋk] n
    1. 1) ярмо; хомут; ошейник
    2) тк. sing иго, ярмо

    colonial yoke - колониальное иго, ярмо колониализма

    to cast /to shake, to throw/ off the yoke - сбросить иго /ярмо/

    3) ист. деревянная колодка ( на шее преступника)
    4) узы, союз
    2. 1) (pl без измен.) пара запряжённых волов
    2) парная упряжка
    3. кокетка ( на платье)
    4. коромысло
    5. 1) ист. иго (арка из трёх копий, под которой римляне проводили побеждённых врагов)

    to send under the yoke - а) провести под игом, унизить врага; б) разбить наголову

    to pass /to come/ under the yoke - а) пройти под игом; б) сдаться на милость победителя, признать своё поражение

    2) символ рабства, порабощения
    3) рабство, порабощение
    6. ист. запашка (мера земли, 50-60 акров)
    7. тех.
    1) скоба, бугель, хомут, обойма; серьга, зажим
    2) хобот ( станка)
    3) поперечина; траверса
    8. эл. ярмо
    9. ав. штурвал, ручка управления
    10. мор. поперечный румпель
    11. элк. отклоняющая система (тж. magnetic yoke)
    2. [jəʋk] v
    1. 1) впрягать в ярмо
    2) запрягать

    to yoke to a plough - впрячь (волов и т. п.) в плуг

    3) заставлять работать, обуздывать
    2. 1) соединять, сочетать

    your fortunes are henceforward yoked together - отныне ваши судьбы нераздельны

    2) соединяться
    3. редк. подходить друг к другу

    НБАРС > yoke

  • 6 yoke

    I n
    1) ярмо; хомут; ошийник; sing іго, ярмо; icт. дерев'яна колодка ( на шиї злочинця); узи, союз
    2) (pl бeз змiн.) пара запряжених волів; парна упряжка; кокетка ( на сукні)
    4) icт. іго (арка з трьох списів, під якою римляни проводили переможених ворогів) ( символ) рабства, поневолення
    5) icт. заорювання (міра землі, 50-60 акрів)
    6) тex. скоба, бугель, хомут, обойма; сережка, затиск; хобот ( верстату); поперечина; траверса
    7) cл. ярмо
    8) aв. штурвал, ручка управління
    9) мop. поперечний румпель
    10) елк. відхиляюча система ( magnetic yoke); colonial yoke колоніальне іго, ярмо колоніалізму

    to cast /to shake, to throw/off the yoke — скинути іго /ярмо

    to send under the yoke — провести під ярмом, принизити ворога; розбити вщент

    to pass /to come/ under the yoke — пройти під ярмом; здатися на милість переможця/ визнати свою поразку

    II v
    1) упрягати в ярмо, запрягати; примушувати працювати, приборкувати
    2) сполучати, поєднувати, з'єднувати; з'єднуватися
    3) підходити/ відповідати одне одному

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > yoke

  • 7 yoke

    1. сущ.
    1) а) ярмо;
    хомут б) ист. колодка( на шее преступника)
    2) пара запряженных волов
    3) а) ист., др.-рим. арка из трех копий (под которой проводили пленников) б) символ рабства в) иго, рабство to pass/come under the yoke ≈ примириться с поражением
    4) редк. узы
    5) коромысло
    6) кокетка( на платье)
    7) парная упряжка
    8) тех. скоба;
    обойма, хомут
    9) авиац. ручка управления
    2. гл.
    1) впрягать в ярмо
    2) перен. соединять, сочетатьyoke together ярмо;
    ошейник (тк. в ед. ч.) иго, ярмо - colonial * колониальное иго, ярмо колониализма - under the * of под игом - to cast /to shake, to throw/ off the * сбросить иго /ярмо/ - the * of servitude узы рабства (историческое) деревянная колодка (на шее преступника) узы, союз - the * of marriage узы брака - the * of convention рамки условностей пара запряженных волов - five * of oxen пять пар волов парная упряжка кокетка (на платье) коромысло (историческое) иго (арка из трех копий, под которой римляне проводили побежденных врагов) - to send under the * провести под игом, унизить врага;
    разбить наголову - to pass /to come/ under the * пройти под игом;
    сдаться на милость победителя, признать свое поражение символ рабства, порабощения рабство, порабощение( историческое) запашка (мера земли, 50-60 акров) (техническое) скоба, бугель, хомут, обойма;
    серьга, зажим( техническое) хобот( станка) (техническое) поперечина;
    траверса (электротехника) ярмо (авиация) штурвал, ручка управления( морское) поперечный румпель (электроника) отклоняющая система (тж. magnetic *) впрягать в ярмо запрягать - to * to a plough впрячь( волов и т. п.) в плуг - to * a wagon запрягать телегу заставлять работать, обуздывать - to * the forces of nature обуздать силы природы соединять, сочетать - *d in marriage соединенные узами брака - your fortunes are henceforward *d together отныне ваши судьбы нераздельны соединяться( редкое) подходить друг к другу - they do not * well они неподходящая пара ~ иго, рабство;
    to endure( to shake off) the yoke терпеть( сбросить) иго;
    to pass (или to come) under the yoke примириться с поражением ~ иго, рабство;
    to endure (to shake off) the yoke терпеть (сбросить) иго;
    to pass (или to come) under the yoke примириться с поражением yoke впрягать в ярмо ~ иго, рабство;
    to endure (to shake off) the yoke терпеть (сбросить) иго;
    to pass (или to come) under the yoke примириться с поражением ~ кокетка (на платье) ~ коромысло ~ пара запряженных волов ~ парная упряжка ~ ав. ручка управления ~ тех. скоба;
    хомут, обойма ~ перен. соединять, сочетать ~ редк. узы ~ ярмо

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > yoke

  • 8 yoke

    I. 1. ярем, хомот
    to put to the YOKE впрягам, запрягам
    to come/pass under the YOKE ист. преминавам под ярем, прен. признавам се за победен
    2. чифт запрегнати за работа волове
    five YOKE of oxen пет чифта впрегнати волове
    3. прен. иго, робство, владичество, ярем
    to shake off the YOKE отхвърлям/освобождавам се от властта/хомота/ярема
    4. тесни връзки (любовни, съпружески и пр.)
    YOKE of marriage съпружески хомот
    5. платка (на рокля, блуза, пола и пр.)
    6. кобилица
    7. тех. скоба, гривна, хомот
    8. ав. ръчка за управление нa елеваторите
    II. 1. впрягам в хомот/ярем
    2. прен. свързвам/съединявам в брак и пр., съчетавам, впрягам се, свързвам се
    3. работя заедно с
    * * *
    {jouk} n 1. ярем, хомот; to put to the yoke впрягам, запрягам; to c(2) {jouk} v 1. впрягам в хомот/ярем; 2. прен. свързвам/ съединя
    * * *
    хомот; ярем; съединявам; робство; свързвам; платка; бреме; впрягам; гнет; иго;
    * * *
    1. five yoke of oxen пет чифта впрегнати волове 2. i. ярем, хомот 3. ii. впрягам в хомот/ярем 4. to come/pass under the yoke ист. преминавам под ярем, прен. признавам се за победен 5. to put to the yoke впрягам, запрягам 6. to shake off the yoke отхвърлям/освобождавам се от властта/хомота/ярема 7. yoke of marriage съпружески хомот 8. ав. ръчка за управление нa елеваторите 9. кобилица 10. платка (на рокля, блуза, пола и пр.) 11. прен. иго, робство, владичество, ярем 12. прен. свързвам/съединявам в брак и пр., съчетавам, впрягам се, свързвам се 13. работя заедно с 14. тесни връзки (любовни, съпружески и пр.) 15. тех. скоба, гривна, хомот 16. чифт запрегнати за работа волове
    * * *
    yoke [jouk] I. n 1. иго, ярем, хомот; to put to the \yoke впрягам, запрягам; to send ( pass) under the \yoke ист. прекарвам под иго; 2. чифт (волове и пр.); five \yoke of oxen пет чифта волове; 3. прен. иго, ярем, хомот, бреме, тежест, товар, гнет, власт, владичество, робство; to shake off the \yoke отхвърлям (освобождавам се от) игото; 4. прен. връзки; \yoke of love любовни връзки; \yoke of marriage брачни връзки; съпружески хомот; 5. кобилица; 6. платка; 7. тех. скоба; гривна; сепаратор (на търкалящ лагер); ел. ярем, външен магнитопровод; II. v 1. слагам хомот на шията на; впрягам, запрягам; to \yoke together впрягам (чифт волове и пр.); 2. свързвам, съединявам, съчетавам, комбинирам (to, with); 3. отиваме (подхождаме) си; 4. поробвам.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > yoke

  • 9 провести под игом

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > провести под игом

  • 10 унизить врага

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > унизить врага

  • 11 지배받게 하다

    v. send under the yoke

    Korean-English dictionary > 지배받게 하다

  • 12 giogo

    giogo s.m.
    1 yoke (anche st. romana): buoi da giogo, yoke oxen; due gioghi di buoi, two yokes of oxen; mettere i buoi sotto il giogo, to yoke the oxen; togliere il giogo, to unyoke // passare, far passare sotto il giogo, to pass, to send under the yoke
    2 (fig.) yoke, rule, domination: vivere sotto il giogo straniero, to live under foreign domination; scuotersi di dosso il giogo della tirannide, to throw off the yoke of tyranny
    3 ( di bilancia) beam; yoke
    4 ( valico) pass, col; ( cresta) mountain ridge.
    * * *
    pl. - ghi ['dʒogo, gi] sostantivo maschile
    1) yoke (anche fig.)
    * * *
    pl. - ghi /'dʒogo, gi/
    sostantivo m.
     1 yoke (anche fig.)

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > giogo

  • 13 mittō

        mittō mīsī (mīstī, for mīsistī, Ct.), missus, ere    [MIT-], to cause to go, let go, send, send off, despatch: ad Troiam ob defendendam Graeciam, Enn. ap. C.: alquem ad hoc negotium, S.: illum pro consule mittere: legatos de deditione ad eum, Cs.: Tanaim neci, V.: in possessionem, put in possession: filium foras ad propinquum mittit ad cenam, sends out: sub iugum, send under the yoke, Cs.: sub iugo, L.: legatos qui dicerent, esse, etc., Cs.: miserunt qui emerent, etc.: legatos rogatum auxilium, Cs.: Delphos consultum, N.: legati missi postulantes, etc., L.: Eurypylum scitantem oracula Mittimus, V.: in Oceanum me quaerere gemmas, Pr.: misit orare, ut venirem, T.— To send word, announce, tell, report, advise, send orders: tibi salutem, send greeting, O.: nuntios ad eum, velle, etc., S.: legatos ad me, se venturum, send me word that: ad conlegam mittit, opus esse exercitu, L.: in Siciliam misit, ut equitatus mitteretur, Cs.: Curio misi, ut medico honos haberetur: mitti ad principes placuit, ut secernerent se ab Etruscis, L.— To send as a compliment, dedicate, inscribe: liber ab eo ad Balbum missus: librum ad te de senectute.— To send, yield, produce, furnish, export: India mittit ebur, V.: (Padus) electra nuribus mittit gestanda Latinis, O.— To dismiss, forget, put away: odium, L.: levīs spes, H.: missam iram facere, T.: certamen, end, V.—In speaking, to pass over, pass by, dismiss, omit, give over, cease, forbear: mitte id quod scio, dic quod rogo, never mind what, etc., T.: mitto proelia: mitto ea, quae, etc., V.: mitte sectari, etc., do not, H.: Cetera mitte loqui, H.: illud dicere: pro nobis mitte precari, O.: mitto, quid tum sit actum: mitto, quod fueris, etc.: mitto de amissā maximā parte exercitūs (sc. dicere): missos facere quaestūs trienni. — To let go, let loose, quit, release, dismiss: carceribus missi currūs, H.: cutem, H.: mitte me, let me alone, T.: nos missos face, have done with us, T.: missus abibis, scot-free, H.: misso senatu, Cs.: ex oppido mitti, be let out, Cs.: missum fieri, be set at liberty, N.: amicos in negotium, to set up in business: sub titulum lares, put a bill on the house, i. e. offer for sale, O.: in consilium, i. e. send the judges to make their verdict: se in foedera, enter into, V.: me in iambos, drive, H.: missos faciant honores, renounce.—To let out, put forth, send out, emit: sanguinem provinciae, bleed, i. e. exhaust: serpens sibila misit, O.: vocem pro me nemo mittit, speaks a word: vocem liberam, speak with freedom, L.: Thyesteas preces, H.: Afranianos sui timoris signa misisse, showed signs of fear, Cs. — To send, throw, hurl, cast, launch: tanta caelo missa vis aquae, S.: pila, Cs.: fulmina, H.: se saxo ab alto, cast down, O.: se in aquas, O.: retia misit, cast, Iu.: talos in phimum, H.: panem cani, Ph.: panem, throw away, Cs.: aquas, sprinkle, O.: rosa missa, let fall, O.— To attend, guide, escort: (animas) sub Tartara, V.
    * * *
    mittere, additional forms V
    send, throw, hurl, cast; let out, release, dismiss; disregard
    mittere, misi, missus V
    send, throw, hurl, cast; let out, release, dismiss; disregard

    Latin-English dictionary > mittō

  • 14 разбить наголову

    1) General subject: (кого-л.) beat head off, beat hollow, (кого-л.) beat to sticks, chaw up (врага, противника в игре), knock into a cocked hat, rout, shellac, (врага) smite hip and thigh, whomp, (кого-л.) beat good and proper, knock for a loop, beat hollow (в пух в прах), beat hollow (в пух и прах), wipe the floor with (кого-л., в споре и т. п.), cut to bits, trounce, beat someone fair and square
    3) American: chaw up
    4) Sports: slaughter
    6) Jargon: waste
    7) Makarov: all to pieces, (кого-л.) beat (smb.'s) head off, (кого-л.) beat (smb.) good and proper, lick into fits, send under the yoke, smite hip and thigh, to a frazzle, (кого-л.) give a drubbing, cut to pieces, chaw up (врага противника-в игре), beat into fits (кого-л.), knock into fits (кого-л.)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > разбить наголову

  • 15 åg

    cross, yoke
    * * *
    (et -) yoke;
    [ afkaste åget] throw off the yoke;
    (fig, F) subjugate;
    [ gå under åget] pass under the yoke;
    [ lade en gå under åget] send somebody under the yoke.

    Danish-English dictionary > åg

  • 16 Missus

    mitto, mīsi, missum, 3 (contr. form, misti for misisti, Cat. 14, 14: archaic inf. pass. mittier, Plaut. Capt. 2, 3, 78), v. a. [etym. dub.; cf. Sanscr. math-, to set in motion], to cause to go, let go, send, to send off, despatch, etc.
    In gen.: ad Trojam cum misi ob defendendam Graeciam, Enn. ap. Cic. Tusc. 3, 13, 28 (Trag. v. 362 Vahl.):

    filium suum foras ad propinquum suum quendam mittit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 26, § 66:

    signa... quam plurima quam primumque mittas,

    id. Fam. 1, 8, 2:

    legatos de deditione ad eum miserunt,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 27:

    pabulatum mittebat,

    id. B. C. 1, 40:

    scitatum oracula,

    Verg. A. 2, 114:

    Delphos consultum,

    Nep. Them. 2, 6:

    missus sum, te ut requirerem,

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 6, 42:

    ego huc missa sum ludere,

    Plaut. Cas. 3, 5, 48:

    equitatum auxilio Caesari Aedui miserant,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 18:

    alicui subsidium,

    id. ib. 2, 6:

    ad subsidium,

    Hirt. Balb. Hisp. 9, 1:

    misi, pro amicitiā, qui hoc diceret,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 5, 12:

    qui solveret,

    id. Att. 1, 3, 2:

    mittite ambo hominem,

    Gai. Inst. 4, 16.—With acc. and inf.:

    Deiotarus legatos ad me misit, se cum omnibus copiis esse venturum,

    sent me word that, Cic. Fam. 15, 4, 5:

    ad collegam mittit, opus esse exercitu,

    Liv. 24, 19, 3:

    Publilius duo milia militum recepta miserat,

    id. 8, 23, 1:

    Dexagoridas miserat ad legatum Romanum traditurum se urbem,

    id. 34, 29, 9:

    statim Athenas mittit se cum exercitu venturum,

    Just. 5, 3, 7. Missum facere is also used for mittere, to send: ut cohortis ad me missum facias, Pompei. ap. [p. 1153] Cic. Att. 8, 12, B, 2:

    aliquem morti,

    to put to death, despatch, Plaut. Capt. 3, 5, 34; so,

    ad mortem,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 41, 97:

    in possessionem,

    to put in possession, id. Quint. 26, 83:

    aliquem ad cenam,

    to invite one to dinner, id. Verr. 2, 1, 26, § 65: sub jugum mittere, to send or cause to go under the yoke, Caes. B. G. 1, 7:

    sub jugo,

    Liv. 3, 28 fin.
    In partic.
    To send word, announce, tell, report any thing to any one:

    ut mihi vadimonia dilata et Chresti conpilationem mitteres,

    Cic. Fam. 2, 8, 1:

    Curio misi, ut medico honos haberetur,

    id. ib. 16, 9, 3:

    mitti ad principes placuit, ut secernerent se ab Etruscis,

    Liv. 6, 10, 2:

    hodie Spintherem exspecto: misit enim Brutus ad me,

    Cic. Att. 13, 10, 3:

    salutem alicui,

    to send greeting to, to greet one, Ov. Tr. 5, 13, 1:

    ita existimes velim, me antelaturum fuisse, si ad me misisses, voluntatem tuam commodo meo,

    i. e. if you had sent to me for aid, applied to me, Cic. Fam. 5, 20, 1.—
    To send as a compliment, to dedicate to any one, of a book or poem:

    liber Antiochi, qui ab eo ad Balbum missus est,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 7, 16:

    hunc librum de Senectute ad te misimus,

    id. Sen. 1, 3.—
    To send, yield, produce, furnish, export any thing (as the product of a country):

    India mittit ebur, molles sua tura Sabaei,

    Verg. G. 1, 57:

    (Padus) electra nuribus mittit gestanda Latinis,

    Ov. M. 2, 366; cf.:

    quos frigida misit Nursia,

    Verg. A. 7, 715:

    hordea, quae Libyci ratibus misere coloni,

    Ov. Med. Fac. 53:

    quas mittit dives Panchaia merces,

    Tib. 3, 2, 23; Ov. A. A. 3, 213; id. Am. 1, 12, 10.—
    To dismiss a thing from the mind:

    maestumque timorem Mittite,

    Verg. A. 1, 203:

    mittere ac finire odium,

    Liv. 40, 46:

    leves spes,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 5, 8:

    missam iram facere,

    Ter. Hec. 5, 2, 14.—
    To put an end to, end:


    Verg. A. 5, 286.—
    Esp. in speaking, etc., to pass over, omit, to give over, cease, forbear (cf.:

    praetermitto, praetereo, relinquo): quin tu istas mittis tricas?

    Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 45:

    mitto proelia, praetereo oppugnationes oppidorum,

    omit, Cic. Mur. 15, 33:

    maledicta omnia,

    Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 9.—With inf.:

    jam scrutari mitto,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 4, 24:

    mitte male loqui,

    Ter. And. 5, 3, 2:

    cetera mitte loqui,

    Hor. Epod. 13, 7:

    illud dicere,

    Cic. Quint. 27, 85:


    id. Rosc. Am. 19, 53:

    mitto iam de rege quaerere,

    id. Sull. 7, 22:

    hoc exsequi mitto,

    Quint. 5, 10, 18:

    incommoda mortalium deflere,

    Val. Max. 7, 2, ext. 2.— With quod:

    mitto, quod omnes meas tempestates subire paratissimus fueris,

    Cic. Fam. 15, 4, 12.—With de. mitto de amissā maximā parte exercitūs (sc. dicere), Cic. Pis. 20, 47:

    verum, ut haec missa faciam, quae, etc.,

    id. Rosc. Am. 45, 132:

    missos facere quaestus triennii,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 44, § 104.—
    To let go, let loose, to quit, release, dismiss: mitte rudentem, sceleste, Tr. Mittam, Plaut. Rud. 4, 3, 77:

    unde mittuntur equi, nunc dicuntur carceres,

    Varr. L. L. 5, § 153 Müll.:

    quadrijuges aequo carcere misit equos,

    Ov. Am. 3, 2, 66; Plaut. Poen. prol. 100:

    mittin' me intro?

    will you let me go in? id. Truc. 4, 2, 43:


    to let go, quit, Hor. A. P. 476:

    mitte me,

    let me alone, Ter. Ad. 5, 2, 5:

    nos missos face,

    id. And. 5, 1, 14:

    missum fieri,

    to be let loose, set at liberty, Nep. Eum. 11: eum missum feci, Caes. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 7, G, 2:

    nec locupletare amicos umquam suos destitit, mittere in negotium,

    to set up in business, Cic. Rab. Post. 2, 4: sub titulum lares, to put a bill on one's house, i. e. to offer it for sale or to be let, Ov. R. Am. 302: in consilium, to let the judges go and consult, i. e. to send the judges to make out their verdict, Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 9, § 26:

    sues in hostes,

    to set upon, Lucr. 5, 1309: se in aliquem, to fall upon, assail, attack:

    vota enim faceretis, ut in eos se potius mitteret, quam in vestras possessiones,

    Cic. Mil. 28, 76 (B. and K. immitteret):

    se in foedera,

    to enter into, conclude, make, Verg. A. 12, 190:

    missos faciant honores,

    to let go, renounce, not trouble one's self about, Cic. Sest. 66, 138:

    vos missos facio, et quantum potest, abesse ex Africā jubeo,

    Hirt. B. Afr. 54:

    missam facere legionem,

    to dismiss, Suet. Caes. 69:

    remotis, sive omnino missis lictoribus,

    Cic. Att. 9, 1, 3:

    Lolliam Paulinam conjunxit sibi, brevique missam fecit,

    put her away, Suet. Calig. 25; Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 70.—
    To let or bring out, to put forth, send out, emit: sanguinem incisā venā, to let blood, to bleed, Cels. 2, 10:

    sanguinem alicui,

    id. ib.; Petr. 91.— Trop.: mittere sanguinem provinciae, to bleed, i. e. drain, exhaust, Cic. Att. 6, 1, 2; cf.:

    missus est sanguis invidiae sine dolore,

    id. ib. 1, 16, 11:


    to put forth roots, to take root, Col. 3, 18:


    to put forth leaves, Plin. 18, 7, 10, § 58:


    to blossom, bloom, id. 24, 9, 38, § 59:

    membranas de corpore,

    to throw off, shed, Lucr. 4, 57:

    serpens horrenda sibila misit,

    gave forth, emitted, Ov. M. 3, 38: mittere vocem, to utter a sound, raise one's voice, speak, say:

    vocem pro me ac pro re publica nemo mittit,

    speaks a word, Cic. Sest. 19, 42:

    vocem liberam,

    to speak with freedom, Liv. 35, 32:

    flens diu vocem non misit,

    id. 3, 50, 4:

    adeo res miraculo fuit, ut unus ex barbaris miserit vocem, etc.,

    Flor. 4, 10, 7:

    repente vocem sancta misit Religio,

    Phaedr. 4, 11, 4:

    nec labra moves, cum mittere vocem debueras,

    Juv. 13, 114:

    haec Scipionis oratio ex ipsius ore Pompeii mitti videbatur,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 2:

    Afranios sui timoris signa misisse,

    have showed signs of fear, id. ib. 71:


    Verg. G. 1, 229:

    signum sanguinis,

    to show signs of blood, look bloody, Lucr. 1, 882.—
    To send, throw, hurl, cast, launch:


    Ov. M. 11, 8:


    Caes. B. C. 3, 93:

    lapides in aliquem,

    to throw, Petr. 90:


    to hurl, Hor. C. 1, 12, 59:

    aliquid igni,

    Val. Fl. 3, 313:

    de ponte,

    to cast, precipitate, Cat. 17, 23:

    praecipitem aliquem ex arce,

    Ov. M. 8, 250:

    se saxo ab alto,

    to cast one's self down, id. ib. 11, 340:

    se in rapidas aquas,

    id. Am. 3, 6, 80:

    se in medium,

    to plunge into the midst, Quint. 11, 1, 54. —Of nets:

    retia misit,

    Juv. 2, 148.—Of dice, to throw: talis enim jactatis, ut quisque canem, aut senionem miserat, etc., Aug. ap. Suet. Aug. 71:

    talos in phimum,

    Hor. S. 2, 7, 17:

    panem alicui,

    to throw to, Phaedr. 1, 22, 3:

    Alexandrum manum ad arma misisse,

    laid his hand on his weapons, Sen. Ira, 2, 2:

    pira in vasculo,

    Pall. 3, 25, 11:

    fert missos Vestae pura patella cibos,

    Ov. F. 6, 310:

    accidere in mensas ut rosa missa solet,

    which one has let fall, id. ib. 5, 360.—
    = pempein, to attend, guide, escort:

    alias (animas) sub Tartara tristia mittit (Mercurius),

    Verg. A. 4, 243; cf.:

    sic denique victor Trinacriā fines Italos mittēre relictā,

    id. ib. 3, 440.—Hence, P. a.: Missus, a, um; as subst.: Missus, i, m., he that is sent, the messenger or ambassador of God, i. e. Christ, Arn. 2, 73; Isid. 7, 2, 35.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Missus

  • 17 mitto

    mitto, mīsi, missum, 3 (contr. form, misti for misisti, Cat. 14, 14: archaic inf. pass. mittier, Plaut. Capt. 2, 3, 78), v. a. [etym. dub.; cf. Sanscr. math-, to set in motion], to cause to go, let go, send, to send off, despatch, etc.
    In gen.: ad Trojam cum misi ob defendendam Graeciam, Enn. ap. Cic. Tusc. 3, 13, 28 (Trag. v. 362 Vahl.):

    filium suum foras ad propinquum suum quendam mittit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 26, § 66:

    signa... quam plurima quam primumque mittas,

    id. Fam. 1, 8, 2:

    legatos de deditione ad eum miserunt,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 27:

    pabulatum mittebat,

    id. B. C. 1, 40:

    scitatum oracula,

    Verg. A. 2, 114:

    Delphos consultum,

    Nep. Them. 2, 6:

    missus sum, te ut requirerem,

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 6, 42:

    ego huc missa sum ludere,

    Plaut. Cas. 3, 5, 48:

    equitatum auxilio Caesari Aedui miserant,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 18:

    alicui subsidium,

    id. ib. 2, 6:

    ad subsidium,

    Hirt. Balb. Hisp. 9, 1:

    misi, pro amicitiā, qui hoc diceret,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 5, 12:

    qui solveret,

    id. Att. 1, 3, 2:

    mittite ambo hominem,

    Gai. Inst. 4, 16.—With acc. and inf.:

    Deiotarus legatos ad me misit, se cum omnibus copiis esse venturum,

    sent me word that, Cic. Fam. 15, 4, 5:

    ad collegam mittit, opus esse exercitu,

    Liv. 24, 19, 3:

    Publilius duo milia militum recepta miserat,

    id. 8, 23, 1:

    Dexagoridas miserat ad legatum Romanum traditurum se urbem,

    id. 34, 29, 9:

    statim Athenas mittit se cum exercitu venturum,

    Just. 5, 3, 7. Missum facere is also used for mittere, to send: ut cohortis ad me missum facias, Pompei. ap. [p. 1153] Cic. Att. 8, 12, B, 2:

    aliquem morti,

    to put to death, despatch, Plaut. Capt. 3, 5, 34; so,

    ad mortem,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 41, 97:

    in possessionem,

    to put in possession, id. Quint. 26, 83:

    aliquem ad cenam,

    to invite one to dinner, id. Verr. 2, 1, 26, § 65: sub jugum mittere, to send or cause to go under the yoke, Caes. B. G. 1, 7:

    sub jugo,

    Liv. 3, 28 fin.
    In partic.
    To send word, announce, tell, report any thing to any one:

    ut mihi vadimonia dilata et Chresti conpilationem mitteres,

    Cic. Fam. 2, 8, 1:

    Curio misi, ut medico honos haberetur,

    id. ib. 16, 9, 3:

    mitti ad principes placuit, ut secernerent se ab Etruscis,

    Liv. 6, 10, 2:

    hodie Spintherem exspecto: misit enim Brutus ad me,

    Cic. Att. 13, 10, 3:

    salutem alicui,

    to send greeting to, to greet one, Ov. Tr. 5, 13, 1:

    ita existimes velim, me antelaturum fuisse, si ad me misisses, voluntatem tuam commodo meo,

    i. e. if you had sent to me for aid, applied to me, Cic. Fam. 5, 20, 1.—
    To send as a compliment, to dedicate to any one, of a book or poem:

    liber Antiochi, qui ab eo ad Balbum missus est,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 7, 16:

    hunc librum de Senectute ad te misimus,

    id. Sen. 1, 3.—
    To send, yield, produce, furnish, export any thing (as the product of a country):

    India mittit ebur, molles sua tura Sabaei,

    Verg. G. 1, 57:

    (Padus) electra nuribus mittit gestanda Latinis,

    Ov. M. 2, 366; cf.:

    quos frigida misit Nursia,

    Verg. A. 7, 715:

    hordea, quae Libyci ratibus misere coloni,

    Ov. Med. Fac. 53:

    quas mittit dives Panchaia merces,

    Tib. 3, 2, 23; Ov. A. A. 3, 213; id. Am. 1, 12, 10.—
    To dismiss a thing from the mind:

    maestumque timorem Mittite,

    Verg. A. 1, 203:

    mittere ac finire odium,

    Liv. 40, 46:

    leves spes,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 5, 8:

    missam iram facere,

    Ter. Hec. 5, 2, 14.—
    To put an end to, end:


    Verg. A. 5, 286.—
    Esp. in speaking, etc., to pass over, omit, to give over, cease, forbear (cf.:

    praetermitto, praetereo, relinquo): quin tu istas mittis tricas?

    Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 45:

    mitto proelia, praetereo oppugnationes oppidorum,

    omit, Cic. Mur. 15, 33:

    maledicta omnia,

    Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 9.—With inf.:

    jam scrutari mitto,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 4, 24:

    mitte male loqui,

    Ter. And. 5, 3, 2:

    cetera mitte loqui,

    Hor. Epod. 13, 7:

    illud dicere,

    Cic. Quint. 27, 85:


    id. Rosc. Am. 19, 53:

    mitto iam de rege quaerere,

    id. Sull. 7, 22:

    hoc exsequi mitto,

    Quint. 5, 10, 18:

    incommoda mortalium deflere,

    Val. Max. 7, 2, ext. 2.— With quod:

    mitto, quod omnes meas tempestates subire paratissimus fueris,

    Cic. Fam. 15, 4, 12.—With de. mitto de amissā maximā parte exercitūs (sc. dicere), Cic. Pis. 20, 47:

    verum, ut haec missa faciam, quae, etc.,

    id. Rosc. Am. 45, 132:

    missos facere quaestus triennii,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 44, § 104.—
    To let go, let loose, to quit, release, dismiss: mitte rudentem, sceleste, Tr. Mittam, Plaut. Rud. 4, 3, 77:

    unde mittuntur equi, nunc dicuntur carceres,

    Varr. L. L. 5, § 153 Müll.:

    quadrijuges aequo carcere misit equos,

    Ov. Am. 3, 2, 66; Plaut. Poen. prol. 100:

    mittin' me intro?

    will you let me go in? id. Truc. 4, 2, 43:


    to let go, quit, Hor. A. P. 476:

    mitte me,

    let me alone, Ter. Ad. 5, 2, 5:

    nos missos face,

    id. And. 5, 1, 14:

    missum fieri,

    to be let loose, set at liberty, Nep. Eum. 11: eum missum feci, Caes. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 7, G, 2:

    nec locupletare amicos umquam suos destitit, mittere in negotium,

    to set up in business, Cic. Rab. Post. 2, 4: sub titulum lares, to put a bill on one's house, i. e. to offer it for sale or to be let, Ov. R. Am. 302: in consilium, to let the judges go and consult, i. e. to send the judges to make out their verdict, Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 9, § 26:

    sues in hostes,

    to set upon, Lucr. 5, 1309: se in aliquem, to fall upon, assail, attack:

    vota enim faceretis, ut in eos se potius mitteret, quam in vestras possessiones,

    Cic. Mil. 28, 76 (B. and K. immitteret):

    se in foedera,

    to enter into, conclude, make, Verg. A. 12, 190:

    missos faciant honores,

    to let go, renounce, not trouble one's self about, Cic. Sest. 66, 138:

    vos missos facio, et quantum potest, abesse ex Africā jubeo,

    Hirt. B. Afr. 54:

    missam facere legionem,

    to dismiss, Suet. Caes. 69:

    remotis, sive omnino missis lictoribus,

    Cic. Att. 9, 1, 3:

    Lolliam Paulinam conjunxit sibi, brevique missam fecit,

    put her away, Suet. Calig. 25; Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 70.—
    To let or bring out, to put forth, send out, emit: sanguinem incisā venā, to let blood, to bleed, Cels. 2, 10:

    sanguinem alicui,

    id. ib.; Petr. 91.— Trop.: mittere sanguinem provinciae, to bleed, i. e. drain, exhaust, Cic. Att. 6, 1, 2; cf.:

    missus est sanguis invidiae sine dolore,

    id. ib. 1, 16, 11:


    to put forth roots, to take root, Col. 3, 18:


    to put forth leaves, Plin. 18, 7, 10, § 58:


    to blossom, bloom, id. 24, 9, 38, § 59:

    membranas de corpore,

    to throw off, shed, Lucr. 4, 57:

    serpens horrenda sibila misit,

    gave forth, emitted, Ov. M. 3, 38: mittere vocem, to utter a sound, raise one's voice, speak, say:

    vocem pro me ac pro re publica nemo mittit,

    speaks a word, Cic. Sest. 19, 42:

    vocem liberam,

    to speak with freedom, Liv. 35, 32:

    flens diu vocem non misit,

    id. 3, 50, 4:

    adeo res miraculo fuit, ut unus ex barbaris miserit vocem, etc.,

    Flor. 4, 10, 7:

    repente vocem sancta misit Religio,

    Phaedr. 4, 11, 4:

    nec labra moves, cum mittere vocem debueras,

    Juv. 13, 114:

    haec Scipionis oratio ex ipsius ore Pompeii mitti videbatur,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 2:

    Afranios sui timoris signa misisse,

    have showed signs of fear, id. ib. 71:


    Verg. G. 1, 229:

    signum sanguinis,

    to show signs of blood, look bloody, Lucr. 1, 882.—
    To send, throw, hurl, cast, launch:


    Ov. M. 11, 8:


    Caes. B. C. 3, 93:

    lapides in aliquem,

    to throw, Petr. 90:


    to hurl, Hor. C. 1, 12, 59:

    aliquid igni,

    Val. Fl. 3, 313:

    de ponte,

    to cast, precipitate, Cat. 17, 23:

    praecipitem aliquem ex arce,

    Ov. M. 8, 250:

    se saxo ab alto,

    to cast one's self down, id. ib. 11, 340:

    se in rapidas aquas,

    id. Am. 3, 6, 80:

    se in medium,

    to plunge into the midst, Quint. 11, 1, 54. —Of nets:

    retia misit,

    Juv. 2, 148.—Of dice, to throw: talis enim jactatis, ut quisque canem, aut senionem miserat, etc., Aug. ap. Suet. Aug. 71:

    talos in phimum,

    Hor. S. 2, 7, 17:

    panem alicui,

    to throw to, Phaedr. 1, 22, 3:

    Alexandrum manum ad arma misisse,

    laid his hand on his weapons, Sen. Ira, 2, 2:

    pira in vasculo,

    Pall. 3, 25, 11:

    fert missos Vestae pura patella cibos,

    Ov. F. 6, 310:

    accidere in mensas ut rosa missa solet,

    which one has let fall, id. ib. 5, 360.—
    = pempein, to attend, guide, escort:

    alias (animas) sub Tartara tristia mittit (Mercurius),

    Verg. A. 4, 243; cf.:

    sic denique victor Trinacriā fines Italos mittēre relictā,

    id. ib. 3, 440.—Hence, P. a.: Missus, a, um; as subst.: Missus, i, m., he that is sent, the messenger or ambassador of God, i. e. Christ, Arn. 2, 73; Isid. 7, 2, 35.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > mitto

  • 18 ē-mittō

        ē-mittō mīsī, missus, ere,    to send out, send forth: essedarios ex silvis, Cs.: equitatu emisso, Cs.: pabulatum emittitur nemo, Cs. — To drive, force, hurl, cast, discharge: aculeos in hominem: pila, Cs.: hastam in finīs eorum, L.—To drive out, expel: abs te emissus ex urbe: hostem.—To send out, publish: tabulas in provincias: aliquid dignum nostro nomine: emissus (liber), H. — To let go, let loose, release, drop, let out: hominem e carcere: scutum manu, abandon, Cs.: ex lacu Albano aqua emissa, L.: animam, expire, N.—To let slip, suffer to escape: emissus hostis de manibus, L.: hostem manibus, L.: alqm sub iugum, i. e. on condition of passing under the yoke, L. — To set free, emancipate (usu. with manu): emissast manu, T.: domini eorum quos manu emiserat, L.: quin emitti aequom siet, T.: librā et aere liberatum emittit (of a debtor), L.—With se or pass, to start, break forth: tamquam e carceribus emissus sis: utrum armati an inermes emitterentur, evacuate (the city), L.—Fig., to utter, give utterance to: vocem: semel emissum verbum, H.: argumenta. — To let slip, lose<*> emissa de manibus res, the opportunity, L.

    Latin-English dictionary > ē-mittō

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